GARO S1 E24 - Girl


GARO S1 E24 - Girl
Jun 25, 2020 25 min Action & Adventure Movies

Infuriated of Kaoru's confidence that her friends will save her, Barago sends Glum after Kouga and Rei as they entered the building. As Rei is forced into a physical and psychological battle with Glum before defeated by her Beast Glum form and seemingly killed off, Kouga arrives to the ritual chamber as Barago holds him off. Karou comes to by then, possessed by Messiah as Barago is devoured by the Horror as she then uses Karou to begin the summoning process while Glum holds Kouga off. After knocking Glum out, Kouga is joined by Rei as they attempt to restraint Kaoru as Messiah uses the girl's body to fight them. But at the last second, Kouga reaches Kaoru as she loses consciousness. With Rei holding Glum off, Kouga enters through the portal to where Kaoru's conscious is before entering the realm of the Horrors to face the titantic Messiah as she pint-pointed Kaoru's body to enter the land of the living.