Doctor Who S0 E26 - Tardisode 08: The Impossible Planet

Doctor Who

Doctor Who S0 E26 - Tardisode 08: The Impossible Planet
Dec 05, 2021 min Action & Adventure Movies

In a shining white office an official-looking woman consults a man called Captain Walker, explaining a planet has been located holding a powerful power-source capable of preventing the world from being sucked into a black hole. If he has go and retrieve it he will have saved the empire. She shows him a series of artifacts that led them to find the planet, including an ancient book of strange symbols apparently detailing the planet’s myths. Walker asks to know more about them but the woman dismisses them, telling him he can overcome them as he is a big strong man with a top ship and a top crew. She bids him goodbye and good luck and as he goes he passes a slave creature holding a translation orb. It watches him go before claiming “the beast shall rise from the pit…”

Creator Sydney Newman
Actor Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill, John Bishop
Country Canada, United Kingdom
Production BBC Cymru Wales