Doctor Who S0 E28 - Tardisode 10: Love And Monsters

Doctor Who

Doctor Who S0 E28 - Tardisode 10: Love And Monsters
Dec 05, 2021 min Action & Adventure Movies

A heavy-breathing man holding a cane sits in a high-backed chair staring at a laptop before him. As he drums his fingers on the smooth surface of the device he stares at the website it displays; an appeal from an organization called L.I.N.D.A asking for information on a man called the Doctor. He clicks on a link regarding becoming a member of L.I.N.D.A but it proves fruitless, L.I.N.D.A is a secret organization. He instead takes out an alien looking device and aims it at the screen which changes, instead tracking down the location the website is run from. He is given an address but before he can continue there is a knock at the door. A cheerful tea lady walks in and prepares to give him a cup of tea, but as she turns to see the figure sitting before her she screams in terror…

Creator Sydney Newman
Actor Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill, John Bishop
Country Canada, United Kingdom
Production BBC Cymru Wales